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About Me


Thank you for checking out my website. I'm Josée Lindsay, author, speaker , course creator and a very proud mom.

I am here to share all of the life lessons I have learned from over a decade of learning and growing  and applying some of these concepts to my life.

I am not a guru nor an expert but I have transformed from a negative person to a happy, positive person and I'm able to inspire others to their full greatness.

My greatest hope is that children do not have to wait until they are adults to learn that they have everything they need within and that only a spark is needed to ignite the love, compassion and greatness that lies within.

I hope that my book, meditations, school talks and on-line classes inspire children to be themselves, dream BIG, have positive thoughts, have an attitude of gratitude and most of all learn that their greatest super power is their ability to raise someone else and be KIND! I hope to spark more compassion and LOVE in the world and to show kids the greatest superhero on earth..their own inner hero!

Picture of heart

Good vibes only

As an author and a speaker, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share Super Spark's positive message and good energy with children everywhere.


Empowering children to discover the hero that lies within is just about the best job on earth. I love it! 

See my philosophy below

My Philosophy

"No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure." - Emma Goldman

I believe that children are born with compassion, love, peace and harmony within them. They are wired for love, acceptance and greatness. Through various influences, they are taught out of it. I believe children just need to be reminded of who they really are and of their unlimited potential. Just a spark is needed to ignite the light that is already within them. Some children never lose their light but some children need help turning the light back on.

I also believe that children have the power to change the world just as we adults do. I believe that if they really understand the power in every thought they have, every word they speak and every action they take, they would want to use all of those tools to make this world a better place. Every day, they have the power to lift someone up or to bring someone down. We all do. It can be so simple and have positive ripple effects that go well beyond one simple thought, one simple word and one simple action.

As Gandhi once said beautifully, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” In other words, true change starts with oneself. Be peaceful, be kind, be positive, be love! We don’t have to wait for other people to change, for governments to enact change or for something or someone else to change in order for us to thrive and harmonize. Within all of us is the power to change things. If seven billion of us woke up tomorrow being what we wanted to see in the world, our world would certainly change dramatically. Empowering children to discover their true power would be pretty amazing.

My Goal:

My goal is to help children spark their inner greatness, their inner hero! In order to do so, I am offering school presentations that focus on the lessons from my book Super Spark. Key elements include:

  • Love (what’s love got to do with it? Everything!)

  • Self-acceptance and self-love (being yourself and following your heart)

  • Kindness (empathy, compassion and the concept of giving)

  • Gratitude for everything

  • Positive thinking and dreaming big

  • Oneness (peace, harmony, cooperation - we are all in this together)

I also created meditations that children can listen to in class to develop these concepts further. Words can only do so much, but children experiencing self-acceptance and compassion from within themselves through meditation is far more powerful. As the saying goes: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

What if somehow, in some way, all children in schools today got this message. I picture all their hearts being ignited and united. Could they be the generation that brings us closer together? Could they realize how much we are all more alike than different? Could they respect and accept each other’s differences and beliefs?


It might seem simplistic and idealistic, but I choose to believe in joy, peace and love. I believe it is up to us to determine what kind of world we live in, that all of us can make this world just a little bit better than how we found it. I believe that children are not only our future but are very much our NOW. I believe in our little superheroes disguised as children all over the world. Let us join together and ignite their light and ours. We can do this!!

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

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